Friday, May 29, 2009

No More Time to Be Wasted

I'm precisely blurred.......
Not to mentioned that the first holiday after studying for three weeks is arriving.
No matter how much hours I can sleep during this holiday, I'm definitely sure that is just a replacement for the lack one. But what to do? May someone come by to help me???

The air was moody, even everyone was moody in the afternoon, the scorching sun make us fainted, we were like having sauna in that stuffy classroom.......

Classroom was in good condition, a special board was make for the * PRE- UNIVERSITY* student, but what else?? just entertaining us with the sound pollution( highway is beside classroom),

And suffering the hot weather really make us frustrated, seriously.

May hope the school authorities justify this situation as soon as possible.
By the way, *Happy School Holiday*
May hope everyone clarify all the problems in this two weeks,
Hope to see u be a better person as a whole......

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